Android 7.0 is an important upgrade to Google’s mobile OS with multi-window support mode for most apps, redesigned notifications, and many essential performance optimizations. While the final build is almost identical to the last developer preview, it should be more stable and on your smartphone. Multi-window multitasking allows you to run two apps simultaneously, similar to the iPad when running iOS 9. This multitasking mode will probably be most useful on tablets like the Pixel C, but it works on smartphones as well and the experience is a lot better than we originally expected. Notifications are now grouped by app in the notification shade; pulling down of any app’s alerts will give you the complete list. You can also reply directly from notifications, something that iOS has actually had for longer than Android. Speaking about the rollout, the official Android blog says: “Today, and over the next several weeks, the Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C and General Mobile 4G (Android One) will get an over the air software update to Android 7.0 Nougat. Any devices enrolled in the Android Beta Program will also receive this final version.” It also says that the LG V20 will be the first Android smartphone to ship with Android 7.0 out of the box. Other flagship Android devices will get the upgrade towards the end of the year or early 2017. Also, the official OTA is not available on older Nexus devices. All other smartphones and tablets will have to wait for OEMs and carriers to roll out updates. If you’ve been using the official Android 7.0 Beta program, you won’t notice a significant change, but you will still receive an update to the latest version. The Nougat OTA will likely be rolling out slowly over the course of few days or maybe few weeks. All supported devices on stock Marshmallow software will get the OTA notification, as will devices on the N preview enrolled in the beta. Check out the Android blog for more details on what can you expect from Nougat. Source: Gizmodo