“This policy is going to have a huge impact,” says a man in a Guy Fawkes mask through a voice scrambler. “This is what ISIS wants. The more Muslims feel sad, the more ISIS feels they can recruit them…You have been warned, Mr. Donald Trump.” Donald Trump appeared on Anonymous radar after he made controversial statements on Monday. His statement that Muslims should be banned entering United States evoked sharp criticism not only in the US but also around the world. That afternoon on Twitter, a user called @FibsFreitag posted a screengrab of what appeared to be an attempt to take down the Trump Tower site. It read, “ nearly down. we need more laz0rs! #DDoS #OpTrump #OpFire.” By Friday, another Anonymous affiliated Twitter account, @YourAnonNews claimed success in bringing down the Trump Towers NY website.

— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) December 11, 2015 The alleged damage might not have been apparent, though, to visitors to the page, because, as the tweet explained, “(what you see is cloudflare offline backup)” — meaning a cached version of the site likely programmed to hold the fort in the event of an attack or maintenance issues. Trump Towers has not yet commented on the issue.