While some of the android smartphones like Asus ZenFone AR with 3D sensing capabilities are available in the market but they does not use the sensors for facial recognition like the one used in the iPhone X. Samsung considered to be one of the biggest rival of Apple just uses standard camera in its smartphone for facial recognition. Bill Ong, senior director of investor relations from Viavi, the only major supplier of optical filters needed for the 3D sensing modules said, “It is going to take them a lot of time, the Android-based customers, to secure capacity throughout the whole supply chain,” “We may have a potential introduction of a second handset maker into 3D sensing at the end of this calendar year. (But) the volumes would be very low. In 2019 you clearly will see at least two or more android-based phones. According to tech research house Gartner, 40 percent smartphones will ship with the 3D sensing technology by 2021. The 3D sensing technology will work on to improve security in the new smartphones with accurate facial recognition, secure biometrics for payment and in AR. Source: reuters