One of things that raises the bar about this venture is the fact that it’s free and additionally, Niel is investing $100 million in the U.S. to create a new school. The new school will have a massive brand new 200,000 square foot building in Fremont opened 24/7 with thousands of iMacs. Coding school 42 will welcome all students between the ages of 18 and 30. After you have filled out your online application the Coding school 42 team has created a computer science version of the Hunger Games and what it does is that thousands of students face the same coding and logic challenges.

Another thing that should be noted here is that Coding school 42 is far from your average university. The fact that there is no teacher and no classroom sounds a bit absurd, but students are expected to learn a set of skills in 3 to 5 years. They do this by relying on reviews, coding projects, internships and gamification. Students who remain motivated between these 3-5 years become extremely capable software engineers of the future. Niel is probably not expecting anything in return, other than the fact that these future software engineers are able to pay back in kind in terms of what they have learned to other minds who aspire to become capable software engineers. Tech Crunch