It looks like we were right. The Impact Team claimed in an Interview to Vice that they have 300GB of other data taken from Avid Life Media, Ashley Madison’s parent company. A lot of that consists of “tens of thousands of user pictures,” Impact Team says. A third of those are “NSFW pictures,” Impact Team says, but it won’t release those. The rest of that miscellaneous data includes employee e-mails and documents, but it won’t release those either (at least not below the executive level), Impact Team says. In the meantime, the hackers published the third tranche of the Ashley Madison booty on the dark web. Impact Team in an interview with Motherboard said that that it staged this attack because it didn’t like how Avid Life Media, the site’s parent company, treated its members. “Avid Life Media is like a drug dealer abusing addicts,” says Impact Team. So far, this week, The Impact Team has released three major data dumps of Ashley Madison data, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Impact Team has said that they still have 300GB of other data which contains nude intimate images and videos shared by Ashley Madison users with their partners. We may assume that the Ashley Madison leak frenzy would continue for a long time through August and September. More leaks are awaited today.

Fappening may follow as Ashley Madison hackers claim to have millions of nude pics - 66Fappening may follow as Ashley Madison hackers claim to have millions of nude pics - 39