Google, an Internet search engine, will now enter the world of telecom and compete with the local wireless providers like Verizon and AT&T. The service will be launched for the U.S. customers and it will let customers pay only for the data that is being used on the network. In simple terms Google wireless customers will have to pay only when they make calls or use any apps or listen to music hence Google will not levy bulk rates which is the common procedure of other telecom service providers where they charge a bulk rate for certain amount of data. Definitely here the question arises if Google has now built its own wireless network……the answer is NO. Instead Google has entered into a deal with two US carriers: Sprint and T Mobile and will be using their networks. As of now the Google wireless service will be available only on Google’s latest Nexus 6 smartphones. As per the WSJ report this is an unique feat of Google because it plans to offer two types of overlapping services to its customer. Either customers can use Wi-Fi or the common cellular radio signals depending on the strength of the signal they receive. While using the Wi-Fi connection customers can route their phone calls and data through Wi-Fi which will further result in reduced bills and when the Wi-Fi is not available customers can use the common cellular radio signal which will be costlier in comparison. For now Google has refused to comment regarding its new service. The giant search engine seems to be fascinated with the cellular and wireless industry and this new service highlights the inner ambition of Google. It was just a decade ago, in 2005 that Google bought the Android (a mobile phone software) and now most of the smartphone manufacturers are using this OS. Android is the most widely preferred OS for smartphones today. Google Fiber, a project launched by Google in 2010, provides Internet service to households in cities like Kansas City and Austin. The highlight of this project is that Google charges very less price to its customers as compared to other service providers like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon. Though Google provides internet connection to only handful of cities however the service provides much faster speed in comparison to the other service providers and this has propelled other service providers to speed up their service. The rolling out of a new wireless service seems to be the next giant step towards the  cellular industry and is a cause of worry for all the  telecom providers. Though Google’s product chief assured the carriers that the new wireless service is just an experiment however Google is known for its innovative practices and pricing models which later gets other industry members to follow it. Google’s recent project “Loon” wherein Google plans to build Internet connectivity to rural areas and to the developing countries by using high-flying balloons is itself a great innovation, Google is also experimenting to use satellites for the same purpose. Rajeev Chand, who works in the research section of Rutberg & Company, an investment bank focused on the mobile industry said: “While Google may not be targeting huge numbers of subscribers, their entry into this market is very important, because it has the potential to disrupt the wireless industry in much the same way Google Fiber prompted changes in the cable and broadband industries.” He further added: “Google argues that if wireless spectrum was used more efficiently it would resolve a lot of the wireless bottlenecks that carriers deal with. Usage-based pricing would make wireless data more affordable and therefore more accessible for people.” Google seems to be totally ready to agitate the wireless industry with its new launch which should prove to be beneficial to all those who are using smartphones!!