Phantom Squad apparently couldnt wait till the Christmas Holidays and took down both Xbox Live and PlayStation servers yesterday. Sources indicate that this was a dry run of taking down the gaming servers ahead of fulfilling their promise in Christmas holidays. However their hacking of the gaming servers did not go well with another hacking group called SkidNP which today hacked their website, SkidNP member @Obstructable took to Twitter to announce their exploit. SkidNP left a message for Phantom Squad on the defaced website which reads as follows : @Obstructable told Neowin that the reference to Lizard Squad was a joke and it was actually SkidNP who took down the website. You took credit for multiple attacks that you nor any of your members did. We are not so happy about this so we’ve taken over your site. Here is a suggestion. Quit while you have the chance because if you take credit for the Christmas attacks it will be the last thing you do. Meanwhile, Twitter has suspended two accounts of Phantom Squad through which they used to announce their exploits against the gaming servers. Two days earlier when Phantom Squad threatened to take down Xbox Live and PlayStation Network servers through their Twitter account @PhantomSquad, it was suspended immediately. Soon a new Twitter handle @PhantomLair sprang up to take the place of the old account. Today Twitter suspended this account also. Meanwhile last years Xbox and PSN servers hackers and the infamous band, Lizard Squad seem to be planning their own hacking strategy for this year. They had tweeted a month back of their intentions to bring down PSN and Xbox Live servers this year also but their Twitter account is been a little inactive of late. Today they retweeted a tweet from AppleJ4ck, who seems to be member of the infamous band. The tweet which indicates that both the servers will be taken offline in 6 days i.e on 25th December. All in all, the holidays of gamers are surely going to be messed up again this year because both Phantom Squad and Lizard Squad have promised to take them down.