NT2 claimed that Google refused to remove links to online information that, he claims, has turned him into a ‘pariah’. NT2, who is a married father, stated in the writ that the information has led to him being threatened in public by people who have seen it. He suggests that some of them have also tried to blackmail him. His writ also states that when his solicitors wrote to Google asking for links to the ‘sensitive personal data’ to be removed, the company refused. The businessman’s writ says that Google makes available two links to publications containing inaccurate information about him. As a result, ‘he has been and continues to be treated as a pariah in his personal, business and social life.’ NT2 also stated that now he has to lead a ‘quiet and solitary life’ and is unable to form new friendships because he fears new acquaintances will look him up on Google and subsequently ‘shun him’ again. Claiming his wife has also become withdrawn and insecure, the writ says she has faced questions from her friends about the results of Google searches. It argues that the information linked to by Google is inaccurate, out of date, and is being maintained for ‘far longer than is necessary for any conceivable legitimate purpose’. The writ also contends that Google has unlawfully infringed his right to respect for his private and family life, and misused his private information. The businessman is demanding an order forcing Google to erase links to the sensitive data about him, and an injunction banning it from processing or misusing his private information. NT2’s writ is a third of its kind in United Kingdom and could open a deluge if admitted by the High Court of London. The case hugely relies on a similar case by former Formula 1 boss Max Mosley who attempted to stop Google searches revealing old images of him at an orgy.