The quest to release the Galaxy Note 7 before Apple could release its iPhone 7 seems to have backfired big time for Samsung. After there were various reports of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding, the South Korean firm has nearly completed the massive original recall of 2.5 million units. However, just when it seemed that Samsung had managed put a lid on its worst corporate controversy, a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from the replaced batch has reportedly exploded. A Galaxy Note 7 phone began popping and smoking on Wednesday morning aboard a Southwest Airlines flight, causing the evacuation of the plane while it was still on the ground. Nobody aboard the plane was injured, but the flight was canceled. Brian Green, the owner of the Galaxy Note 7 in question, had just powered down his device when it started making a popping noise and smoking. He threw the smartphone on the ground. The Note 7 was reportedly a part of the replacement batch that Green received two weeks ago from a local AT&T store. In a statement issued after the incident, the company stated, “We are working with the authorities and Southwest now to recover the device and confirm the cause. Once we have examined the device we will have more information to share.” The exploding Note 7 from the already replaced batch puts a question mark on future fresh Samsung Note 7 shipments. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has already begun an investigation on the matter. “CPSC is moving expeditiously to investigate this incident,” said the agency’s chairman Elliott F. Kaye. And now former CPSC officials explain that, if this was indeed a replacement Note 7 unit, Samsung might have no other option than to issue a second recall to get phones that are prone to catching fire off the market.

“If it’s the fixed phone and it started to smoke in his pocket, I’m going to guess there’ll be another recall,” Pamela Gilbert, former executive director of CPSC, was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. “That just doesn’t sound right.” The former CPSC agent then went on to add that the agency could have a decision as early as next week as this is “not something you want to leave hanging.” Nancy Nord, who served as chairwoman of the CPSC, also explained that a second recall is indeed possible, although this rarely takes place. “Certainly [Samsung] could [issue] another recall, if it appears this is something beyond an aberration,” she noted, adding that the investigation must first determine if this was indeed a replacement Note 7 and the cause of the fire. It’s no surprise that customers trust is significantly affected after the Note 7 saga and seeing more units catching fire can only do more harm to the South Korean firm, who can’t seem to be able to figure out a way to bring safe phones to the market. A second recall of Note 7s could spell doom for the South Korean tech company as many buyers could opt for a refund instead of a ‘safe’ Note 7. Not only could this hit the Samsung bottom line but also cause another free fall for Samsung shares which are already reeling from the first recall. The exploding Note 7s have already led to a fear psychosis among buyers with several of them refusing to use the Samsung device after the explosion reports broke out. This could also be a godsend opportunity for Apple’s iPhone 7 which failed to enthuse the fanboys with its headphone jackless models. For the moment, Samsung is not providing any statements besides the typical “we’re investigating comment, but the effects of the Note 7 saga will most likely be shown on Friday when the firm is expected post its quarterly earnings.