What is a PDF? PDF is an acronym that stands for “Portable Document Format”. PDF, in general, is a format that is used to display electronic documents in a form that is independent of the software, hardware or the operating system that the documents will be viewed. Adobe® Systems developed PDF. The program was designed to be a universally compatible file format that was based on the PostScript format. It is now an international de-facto standard that is used to exchange documents and information between computers, smartphones and the internet. What is a PDF Converter? PDF conversion is the process of converting a PDF format to other formats. A PDF converter is a program that is used to convert documents that are in another format to PDF format. A PDF converter is capable of converting word documents to PDF and also Images to PDF. Why use a PDF converter? Listed below are some of the reasons why you need a PDF converter on your computer for PDF conversion from one format to another. PDF documents are not editable One of the reasons why people use PDF converters is primarily for making PDF content accessible. If the PDF format is to be used for transmission, then major editing or analysis is what most of the PDF content will require. Use of PDF converters will save you all the retyping and data input. A PDF converter will allow you to extract PDF content into other editable formats such as word document format for windows that will allow you to perform all the analysis you need efficiently. Work, Generate and Access in Different Formats One of the benefits of freeing up the locked down PDF content is to provide a choice of format. There are many formats to which PDF format can be converted, some of these formats include; Word, PowerPoint, HTML, Excel and RTF. These are but a short list of the standard formats you can generate from a PDF converter. PDF popularity Nowadays, PDFs are being created not just by professionals but by ordinary individuals for ordinary purposes. Students in universities use PDF formats to store their notes and assignments. PDFs are also being used on people’s web pages for posting documents and different content. This miscellaneous content is impractical as HTML pages. You may need to convert those documents for your use. At Think Computers, we use free PDF Simply which is an online PDF converter and editing tool.  The annual membership of the software is less than $1 per month.