Brandon Bourret, 39, and Athanasios Andrianakis, 26, were each arrested on Friday at their homes, the DOJ said. According to the DOJ press release  the two men knowingly conspired to commit acts and offenses against the United States, namely computer fraud and abuse, access device fraud, identification document fraud and wire fraud between the period July 2012 and July 2014. DOJ says that the two aimed to make money by selling passwords and unauthorized access to private and password-protected information, images and videos. Bourret and Andrianakis are accused of selling an app called “Photo*ucket” that allowed people to go through Photobucket users’ private images and videos. The DOJ also accuses the two men of using the app to obtain guest passwords to password-protected albums which they transferred to buyers who paid them fees. Both Bourret and Andrianakis face one count of conspiracy and one count of computer fraud, aid and abet, and face a maximum sentence of five years and a maximum fine of $250,000. They are also accused of access device fraud, which carries a sentence of up to 10 years, and also a fine of $250,000.