“Home or office break-in – Your home or office has been invaded by burglars looking for valuable personal information in order to steal your identity. They see an innocuous-looking USB drive next to your computer and hope to gain access to its data. However, it’s not an ordinary flash stick. After inserting USB Killer into the computer the USB port is burned out, protecting you and your information.” That is not the only scenario where USB KILLER will save your life. If there are sensitive photographs present in your machine that you do not want your wife to find out about, the following description has been provided in order to give you apparently, the best solution for this kind of situation: “Compromising photos – Your wife is cleaning an apartment one day and finds a USB drive full of photos you would rather her not to see. It’s only a matter of seconds before she gets to the computer to insert the stick; however, you act faster, and use your USB Killer before she arrives. The USB drive is broken and unusable now.”

Stage 1: November 10 to November 25 • Components purchase • Printed Circuit Board production • Printed Circuit Board assembly Stage 2: November 10 to December 05 • USB case mold production • USB case production Stage 3: December 05 to December 10 • Final unit assembly • Package production Stage 4: December 10 to December 15 • Packing Stage 5: December 15 to December 25 • Shipping As stated before, there might be several mind-boggling projects available on Indiegogo, but we believe that USB KILLER tops the list.

USB KILLER will definitely safeguard your valuable data on your machine  at the expense of completely frying its USB ports - 58USB KILLER will definitely safeguard your valuable data on your machine  at the expense of completely frying its USB ports - 68USB KILLER will definitely safeguard your valuable data on your machine  at the expense of completely frying its USB ports - 94USB KILLER will definitely safeguard your valuable data on your machine  at the expense of completely frying its USB ports - 54USB KILLER will definitely safeguard your valuable data on your machine  at the expense of completely frying its USB ports - 10USB KILLER will definitely safeguard your valuable data on your machine  at the expense of completely frying its USB ports - 76